Sunday, August 28, 2011

Module 6 -- Respones


Module 6 -- Learning Philosophy

Today I learned that hurricane Irene can cause issues with the Internet connection. The once written, but not saved blog has disappeared. Thus a student and a teacher needs to be prepared and flexible for the issues that come with missed classes and missed connections.

Connections.  It seems a goal of online learning is to have the students build independence of searching for information.  However, there is so much information and so little time during a quarter I am curious if streamlining the blogs, wikis, and sites that are required for class would aid in the process.  Yet, you don't want to be hindered by a specific reliance on certain products.

Professor or facilitator presence still remains a vital part of the learning process.

I am glad I am having the opportunity to participate as a student in an online forum.  This will allow understanding from the perspective of future students.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Module 5 -- Respones

I responded to:
Randall at

I tried to respond to, but ran into technical difficulties that could use some of advise from others who have a strength in blogging.

Module 5 -- New Technologies

The Situation(s):
I have 3 groups of people I work with during the day.  I work with a pre-preschool group.
There is our senior market client base, and I work with adults who have late in life low vision. This group is anybody over 18.

The idea of self efficacy is dealing with ones own self confidence.
Driscoll maps out how self-efficacy can be supported by an educator and how individuals or groups might process the feeling of self confidence.
Individuals can
1. Have already experienced forms of mastery that can be associated with other tasks.
2. Have vicarious experiences. Assess the situation through others experiences, or watch as somebody else models a task.
3. Be verbally persuaded into something
4. Physiological status, "the gut feeling"
5. Integration -- wrapping all or elements of these characteristics into the decision of participation of a task.

The ARC Model:
A= Gain and Sustain Attention
R=Enhance Relevance
C= Build Confidence
S=Generate Satisfaction
After reading the design plan of the ARC system, many of us probably follow to some degree the process.
Since I work with three different group I often ask, who is the audience for this session. I go on, because most of my interactions are in smaller groups, and I ask them, except the 0-3 year olds, what are their desired outcomes.
Two of the groups I work with the main goal at some level is to build confidence and provide accomplishment of some task.
This leads to the second part of the ARC design. After you listen to the group through individual assessment of goals define the motivational objectives.
Some motivational objectives I deal with
Parents want their children to use more words. The are eager for correct annunciation.
The adults with low vision what to continue to be self sufficient. This includes continuing to communicate. The new technologies are making this easier; however, the tools are some times new and intimidating.  Most of the time hearing others success sparks their interest and often success is achieved with some verbal persuasion or support.
From the objectives gathered during meetings with parents or a discussion forum we can form objectives. We identify, together ways we can gain accomplishments in the activities. The achievement is that feeling of success. The objectives are often reworded in specific terms. The group of adults with low vision is usually 5-10, so we try to make a few, specific outcomes that can relate in some manner to the goals of each member.
During the sessions and at the end of the term or program it is important for the participants and the facilitators to identify the positive strategies and the strategies that were not as successful. In most instances it is important that the participant or the parent gets involved with this process.  If a strategy did not work how can it be changed to bring about task completion or a feeling of success.
Two of the groups will usually participate in activities. Bandura described the "self-efficacy as a belief system that is causally related to behavior and outcomes" (Driscoll, p. 316). It is the group or persons behaviors that will influence their outcomes.  If this is not moving in a positive or successful direction then going back and assessing the situation will aid in changing the behaviors to achieve the outcome.
 Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Module 4 -- Mind Map

The tools I use most. I am still found of the paper and pen. I like to take notes and sketch my plan. I really like the live scribe pen. I used it to do the mind map and thought about putting a video as the process of the mind map. It was too long and a bit boring. However, a picture shows my continued reliance on pen/paper.
The digital devices have made networks more available. They have also made me aware of other networks. It is like a web that keeps branching out but interconnects. The internet is the connection that makes the tools necessary.

Module 4 Response / Comments

I responded to

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Blog 3-collaboration. Please see previous post for parts 2and 3

Question 1. Basic instinct for group activity? I am not sure all humans do collaborate instinctively. There are  psychology studies that could better aid in the understanding anomie. Accordingly, some people can use technology to colaborate,but never have to be face to face. Nevertheless, as Rheingold mentioned in the video the history of people forming groups is longer than the nomadic period.
I enjoyed his dicussion of Ebay and the ability to provide feedback allowing that community of buyers and sellers to trust their co transactors. The concept of 'trusting the information' is often discussed with the use of wikipedia. I look something up daily. My somewhat tech shy parents are referring to it more than their dictionary. It has brought information from a variety of sources and interests together.
Rheingold, H. (2008, February). Howard Rheingold on collaboration [Video file]. retrieved from

Blog 3 - Collaboration.

3. Current research. This was a fun search. There are so many examples of collaboration that lend themselves to learning, but are not strictly written for education.
*Miettinen, R., Lehenkari, J., & Tuunainen, J. (2008). Learning and network collaboration in product development: How things work for human use. Sage Publications 39 (2) London39(2)203-219. Http:// The article does not look at collaboration in education,but is an example of the process of collaboration. This can aid the educators understanding of collabortation outside of education; thus, the need for collaborative tools in education. This can prepare future participation in collaboration outside of a school setting.
(I typed this better earlier and the puppy jumped on my lap and I lost it all. These are the joys of learning the fast pace of technical devices. Not knowing how to retrieve previous data is a route learning skill I need to pratice.)
I liked the title because it looks at the human. I smiled because iIwas thinking the devices that aid in collaboration are the tools, and collaboration itself is the human element.
This article "analyzed how these projects were carried out by collaborative network..." (p204). For these aurthors there was an 'entertwining' of development, networks, and process.

There were more that I will have to return with. The links are here.
Http:// This was older but interesting.

2. Technology facilitation of collaboration. 1. The collaborative effort is based on an intentional topic that is being examined for some purpose. It is an active and continuous process that can end with a result, but could provided future learning. Collaboration is a cooperative effort.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blog 2: Cognitivism as a Learning Theory

The categorization of -isms provide the educators with structure. The ability to organize chunks of teaching ideas or concepts into learning sequences that can be scaffolded to meet the needs of the learner. The use or picking of the best qualities of each -ism provides flexibility or momentum of a course begin taught. However, simply picking the fruit without identifying the needs or goals may bring unripened bussels.
Kapp's discussion commented on possible learning components that apply to behaviorism and cognitvism. A ladder approach with behaviorism identified with "lower level learning." The use of behaviorism might aid if forming the core knowledge that is needed to grow branches of learning from the fruits of all the -isms.
Kerr, B. (2007, January 1). _isms as filter, not blinker [Web log post]. Retrieved from
Kapp, K. (2007, January 2). Out and about: Discussion on educational schools of thought [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blog1: Metaphor Critique

I can not comment on my own blog.  I will have to learn something new. 
thanks for the heads up. Debi
Please excuse my many mistakes in this post. It is a work in process. I agree with the classmates that curator is a great term and one I never associated with teacher until reading the Siemen's description. I think a "mixed-metaphor" approach is beneficial. However, there needs to be an awareness. Flipping and flopping around without your own plan or guidelines can lead to chaos and confusion. Nevetheless, flexibility allows growth.
June 19, 2011 6:19 AM

Blog Assignment 1:  Critique Siemen's "metaphors of educators"
The metaphor’s that Siemen’s used to describe the digital educator were creative. It has been several years, but the terms used during my tenure were teacher, facilitator, guider, and teacher as coach.  These terms still hold relevant focus points between learner and facilitator; however, terms like curator and master artist conjure up new relationships between participants in new settings.
Beginning with the words, the titles, used to label the metaphors master artists was one that seemed the most out of place for the digital instructor. However, after reading Siemen’s description and the dictionary definition of master this role of digital teacher can aid in group learning, learning that is student directed, and multi-directional communication. Conversely, it could be viewed as a subjective interpretation of student work that is teacher directed.
The master of Tae Kwon Do aids in acquisition of a particular skill. It is the teaching that is the progression of that form of martial arts.  The master has the expertise; however, the master artist observes the students as they create and their creations. The student has the ability to form their own style, become more 'advanced' than the master, or maintain a level of skill.  The master identifies innovative approaches and encourages sharing of technique and style.  This introduces more to the class innovations that even the master may not have been aware or even recognized as pertinent to a particular class.  If implemented in a sharing, and not dictatorial, method can encapsulate the idea of group collaboration, the learning from each other.   Members of the class can post their assignments or findings on their wiki or blog, aggregates keep the streaming available, and posts by the digital professor can draw identifications to certain submissions, which might provoke further thought. The master has directed the group in a learning process.  It seems important that follow up and discussion should be involved in this process. The information could get lost in space so follow through aids in keeping the group directed. 
The process of follow through could be part of the network administrator role.  This term, administrator, conjures up pictures of a secretary.  Yet this role aids in the chaos and confuse that can become overwhelming with digital learning.   This role could possibly be watched through another person with in the educational hierarchy. There are increasingly more learning blogs and wikis that can be joined to form communities.  However, this maze of information could be narrowed by setting up some of the communities within university systems. Conversely finding and identifying with networks could be a self-directed beneficial part of the student experience.
Concierge.  The role of concierge uses the term guider in the definition.  This role guides the learner to resources that are most pertinent to a concept of the classroom.
Curator.  This term was the most alluring by definition. This presents the teacher as also part of the lifelong learning process. The curator is master learner or “expert learner.” (p. 17). This role seems to correlate the role of master artist, but opens an area of free flow learning to all students in the environment of the classroom or digital forum.
This initial blog will have to be a work in progress. We had to address a very important event in our world. Thank you. To return with Curator and Concierge.
Siemens, G. (2006). Knowing knowledge. Retrieved from
Siemens, G. (2008.January27). Learning and knowing in networks. Changing roles for educators and designers. Paper presented to ITFORUM. Retrieved from Advanced English Dictionary.
Blog: Critiquing the Metaphors of Educators. (2010). Mikedillion1977.wordpress. (This needs to be addressed in APA style.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Good Morning. Week 11.  Wow. 
I will try and embed this so it is directly on the blog.  However, as I tried I could not get it embedded with the wording on the bottom for ADA guidelines. Please proceed to link.

Day 2: Self Critque.
I tried, again, to have the video directly embedded, but oddly I loose the wording at the bottom of the screen. That is one of many concerns about the video.  It was a fun and chanllenging project.  Sound had to be added later.  I ended up using a livescribe pen.  Others methods did not work with the age of the laptop.  The amount of information that is available and the time of the video produced a balance of what could be presented while still using introductions.  However, there is a pause.  It was very frustrating to add sound in the correct spaces. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Technology and Media for Distance Educaiton

This concept map is a little better.  There are more changes that can be made so observers could see the heiarchy or flow concept that should derive from a concept map. The main block should be bold or catch the viewers eye.
It was more difficult to separate the items on the dynamic side of the map. They begin to over lap because communcation places and content places can be the same resource. 
Thank you

Where do I stand on the continuum?  I would like to think I am moving towards the dynamic. It is fascinating to try these new methods on communication, but it takes me several tries and time.  Time is that element that alludes me many days.  Thus, I may not get the opportunity to try several times.  It is like spicy nodes.  I really liked seeing it, but I need more time to use it. 
So I probably take steps back and forth along the continuum. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Technology and Media for Distance Education

This is a little late and not complete.  I will be back with a completed version.  My family surprised me yesterday, which took my usual time for the assignements.  It was big fun.
Self Critique. This was more difficult than the previous assignment. It did not fit. I also struggled with content, because it seems to over lap with collaboration. I will fill in the spaces.  I did try Margarets Spicynodes, but got a little confused.  That needs more time to learn.
Thank you.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Engaging Learners Graphic Organizer 2

Carrey, Sherri. Blog.  Will get correct cite and replace this.

Durrington, V. A., Berryhill, A., & Swafford, J. (2006). Strategies For Enhancing Student Interactivity In An Online Environment. College Teaching, 54(1), 190−193.

Siemens, G. (2007). George Siemens - Curatorial teaching.”Retrieved on April 21, 2011, from

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Graphic Organizer Engaging Learners.

It has been frustrating and fun learning the devices of technology while learning to participate in distance or online learning.  The link is the only way, at this time, I can post the organizer to the blog. One of the elements that has been the greatest adjustment to me is the difference in presnece from f2f to distance education.  There are so many interesting parts of online learning; however, not growing up in the texting as socializing genre the idea of presence not being physical is an adjustment. Presence is the center foundation to the graphic organizer. The types of presence are intregal parts of the whole.

Durrington, V. A., Berryhill, A., & Swafford, J. (2006). Strategies For Enhancing Student Interactivity In An Online Environment. College Teaching, 54(1), 190−193.

Siemens, G. (2007). George Siemens - Curatorial teaching.”Retrieved on April 21, 2011, from

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Engaging Learners Pre Assignment Post

The reading for module 4 brought up many issues that kept popping up as I was adjusting to online learning. I often wonder how the facilitators/professors keep every 'thing' organized.  It is difficult, or a bit chaotic, keeping up with a couple classes that require the many online places you have to visit to participate. It is interesting, insightful, and exasperating.
It is about organizing the laptop or tablet with dividers and sections similar to the notebooks we carried around for f2f classes.  It involves the ability to make those organization categories applicable to easy use and access.  It also has to remain fluid so changes can be made.  I can't see the graphic organizer as organzied but as a fluid and connected outline of details.

These are early thoughts not the complete Module 4 assignment.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Assessing Collaborative Efforts

The problem of assessment is noteworthy in almost any educational setting.

How should participation in a collaborative learning community be assessed?  How do the varying levels of skill and knowledge students bring to a ccouse affect the instructor's "fair and equitable assessment" of learning?

Assessment, no matter where, brings up questions. 

There is assessment that tests skills that are memorized then regurgitated to provide proof that the material has been retained. This assessment is individual in nature. Seimens suggests that there is a shift away from this individualized and memorized relaince on assessment to a group, collaborative, assessment.  The online learning assessment is still guided by the professor.  The professor or the institution provides a framework, or boundaries, of a content area, through application, that needs to be assessed.  Online learning, schools, and hybrids can use the group to assess the paticipating memebers.  The group can be given a set of guidelines of which to assess each other using commentary that leads to an expanded experience.  Learning through application, learning by scaffolding, and learning through corrections provides the learner the ability to expand the experience. 

Interestingly, Seimens also mentioned a peripheral form of assessment. Lists? This is a new concept to me.  It is interesting that so many could provide a learning community with some expert advice, or contributions. 

Assessment in a community that is paid for as opposed to an open forum, a MOOC?...  We, even if a better system is yearned for, take our classes to obtain the paper that proves we made the mark.  The mark is the responsibility of the professors in conjunction with the institution.  Online learning communities can use web tools to count the amount of times a person logs on.  In addition, it can provide data of where the students went and the amount of time a person spends in an area.  This is also a new concept to me and made me wonder about quality.  How do you assess the quality of the data based on time and clicks?

The concepts of fair and equitable are issues I think we have struggled with online and in brick and mortar institutions.  The terms are not equal.  I don't think being fair means you are equally distributing grades in a classroom.  This lead me to ponder about the issue of objective and subjective grading?  The differences in the teachers', at any level, expectations and applying that expectation in mark form.

Collaborative learning and assessment provides a forum where a learners skills are not based solely on memorization. Although memorization of a skill can be vitally important.  This online collaborative assessment looks at the knowledge being applied. Montessori, in some regards, gone digital.  The members are providing "feedback that extends learning".

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010). Principles of Distance Education.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Story Board in Progress of the Process

I have not tried this before.  I hope it brings you to the storyboard. The story board is a work in process.  It is the progression of gathering thoughts and putting them into an intelligible order. It was also made with audio, but again do to my lack of skills, the time it takes to acquire the skills, and prioritizing, I was unable to get QTime and the computers to be friendly.

Thank you,

Update.  This storyboard used an application accessed on an iPhone. Cinematek  ***It did have audio; however, I can't seem to download it with quick time. (Tech vocabulary?) It was made based on instructions for the video, yet, as you see the content is not there yet. This storyboard will be changed as the content comes to fruition.

General Question to class peers.... What type of video devices are you using? 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Three Elements of Distance Education

The evolution of the tools and the mediums we use to connect with has promoted the communication we have with others. The ability to communicate anywhere, anytime, to almost anyone has increased  global participation and awareness. To interact with people globally there needs to be access to the infrastructure and tools that provide connections.
Based on the video there still seems to be some struggle with collaboration, meaningful collaboration, among members of organizations.  Communication seems to be the key element to continue positive interactions that impact global diversity, and collaborative interaction.

Laureate Education, Inc. (2008). Principles of Distance Education. Baltimore: Siemens.

There is a growing number of resources available to online learners.  Although, I think, one of the videos stated that online libraries are not as inclusive as one might assume.  (No reference I heard this in a passing moment. I will look for it.) In addition, some library sites require membership of some form.  It is also difficult to know the credibility of some of the information that is found strictly from a search engine search.
The social networks are useful as simply a one stop resource to locate and communicate quickly with a current, and expanding, set of friends or professionals. Not to mention the links that are part of the network. (Facebook, Linkedin) Since returning to classes, I have learned more about YouTube, SlideShare, Blogging, Bookmarking and Cloud Computing.) The change from computer space to cloud saving is amazing and scarey to the tweener generations, such as myself. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Next Generation of Online Learning.


Last quarter we were asked to identify a new wave based on Alvin Toffler's wave theory.  There are several names and suggestions for that new wave. Similar to the idea of progression and ability to separate time or initiatives this assignment asks us to examine a possible next generation of distance learning.
Education and learning, in general, is a process that evolves.  There is change and then review of change to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the intended goals.  The goals achieved by the innovation were they pertinent or real to the people involved. Moller, Foshay, & Huett begin their set of articles by explaining that Instructional Design will evolve, "but also to assure that the products of sound professional design practice lead the e-learning enterprise" (p. 70).
One aspect of indentify the positives and negatives of the elearning, espeically at the pace it has expanded is identifing some differences.  Simonson discusses the difference between self learning via technology mediums and learning by facilitation that is not different.  The learning is practiced separated by time and space, but the learning remains meaningful as it is suppose to be in a classroom setting.

Laureate Education, Inc. (2008). Principles of Distance Education. Baltimore: Author.

Moller, L., foshay, W., & Huett, J. (2008, May/June). The evolution of distance education: Implications for instructional design on the potential of the Web (Part1: Training and Development). Tech Trends, 52(3), 70-75.

I am on the road a lot.  I post and edit often usually in the beginning of the week.