Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Yea. Some How it Embedded. Yea


  1. Hi Debi,

    I can't view this at school, but will comment later today. If you want to get the video to fit within the blog here is how:

    Click to edit this post and switch to HTML viewing. In the code, look for something like <object id=... and in that code, look for the words width and height. Replace those with

    width="500" height="360"

    Make sure to change all instances.


  2. Margaret. Thank you. I am going to try that now. We shall see.
    Thanks for the tip.

  3. Hi Debi,

    The video chat was fun to play with. I am glad you were able to get into the chat with us.
    I really liked the way you provided the main definitions associated with copyright and explained the ideas of infringement and protection. I also thought your “presenters” were quite creative!

    Based on the rubric, did you want to add a clear question to stimulate thought about the topic to end your presentation?

    Despite the frustrations we discussed about struggling to put the video together, you did a great job!


  4. Margaret,
    Yes the video chat was fun. It took a bit to figure out and adjust but it was good.
    I typed a single question toward the end of the video. I also verbally posed a set of related questions. They may not have been clear.
    That too was new and fun. Yes frustrating as well.
    Thanks for all your input this quarter.

  5. Debi,

    I really enjoyed your use of close captioning that enabled me to see the information you were highlighting in your video as you progressed. Overall I found it very nicely done.


