Thursday, July 7, 2011

Blog 3-collaboration. Please see previous post for parts 2and 3

Question 1. Basic instinct for group activity? I am not sure all humans do collaborate instinctively. There are  psychology studies that could better aid in the understanding anomie. Accordingly, some people can use technology to colaborate,but never have to be face to face. Nevertheless, as Rheingold mentioned in the video the history of people forming groups is longer than the nomadic period.
I enjoyed his dicussion of Ebay and the ability to provide feedback allowing that community of buyers and sellers to trust their co transactors. The concept of 'trusting the information' is often discussed with the use of wikipedia. I look something up daily. My somewhat tech shy parents are referring to it more than their dictionary. It has brought information from a variety of sources and interests together.
Rheingold, H. (2008, February). Howard Rheingold on collaboration [Video file]. retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. I am certain that not all humans have the capacity to work together. However, I am equally as sure that the overwhelming majority of humans see cooperation as a necessity of progress.
