Monday, May 9, 2011

Technology and Media for Distance Education

This is a little late and not complete.  I will be back with a completed version.  My family surprised me yesterday, which took my usual time for the assignements.  It was big fun.
Self Critique. This was more difficult than the previous assignment. It did not fit. I also struggled with content, because it seems to over lap with collaboration. I will fill in the spaces.  I did try Margarets Spicynodes, but got a little confused.  That needs more time to learn.
Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you had a great time with your family which is always important. Which version of powerpoint do you have? If you have at least 2007 I believe you can insert the smartart graphics to create a slide that will easily transfer to the blog. The 2010 version will allow you to capture a picture of the screen which will transfer to the blog as well. I wish you the best- great start.
