Saturday, April 30, 2011

Graphic Organizer Engaging Learners.

It has been frustrating and fun learning the devices of technology while learning to participate in distance or online learning.  The link is the only way, at this time, I can post the organizer to the blog. One of the elements that has been the greatest adjustment to me is the difference in presnece from f2f to distance education.  There are so many interesting parts of online learning; however, not growing up in the texting as socializing genre the idea of presence not being physical is an adjustment. Presence is the center foundation to the graphic organizer. The types of presence are intregal parts of the whole.

Durrington, V. A., Berryhill, A., & Swafford, J. (2006). Strategies For Enhancing Student Interactivity In An Online Environment. College Teaching, 54(1), 190−193.

Siemens, G. (2007). George Siemens - Curatorial teaching.”Retrieved on April 21, 2011, from


  1. DEB= I think using slideshare was a great way to add your graphic organizer to the blog. Yours was very different than mine. Do you feel that the lack of "presence" is an issue that many students face? There is a degree of "presence" in our online conversations and even though you do not have history in texting etc... does not mean you will not get bitten by the "bug". CAIO!

  2. RaKinah,
    I think presence is a foundational piece of education. Of course it depends on who and what is being studied, but it has a true impact.

    I know I really enjoyed your blog and Sherri's. So much so that I learned how to directly post it and used a more similar style. I also borrowed Sherri's 3 c's which I liked. Remeber the three r's of education.

    I have the bug, just not all the knowledge.
    Good Sunday.

  3. Hi Debi,

    Adjusting to online learning is a great challenge, in addition to learning about all the other digital forms of communication. (I have never sent a text message, so I do understand where you are coming from.) What is amazing though, is that people are still able to form dynamic relationships and social presence can be established among people without ever meeting them physically.


  4. Thank you so much for enjoying my blog! At first I was not on board with blogging but now I have 3 different ones I do! I love it. I think we have all been adjusting to online learning, especially when new technology is introduced such as blogging but with an adventerous spirit we take on the challenge.

