Monday, May 16, 2011


Good Morning. Week 11.  Wow. 
I will try and embed this so it is directly on the blog.  However, as I tried I could not get it embedded with the wording on the bottom for ADA guidelines. Please proceed to link.

Day 2: Self Critque.
I tried, again, to have the video directly embedded, but oddly I loose the wording at the bottom of the screen. That is one of many concerns about the video.  It was a fun and chanllenging project.  Sound had to be added later.  I ended up using a livescribe pen.  Others methods did not work with the age of the laptop.  The amount of information that is available and the time of the video produced a balance of what could be presented while still using introductions.  However, there is a pause.  It was very frustrating to add sound in the correct spaces. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Technology and Media for Distance Educaiton

This concept map is a little better.  There are more changes that can be made so observers could see the heiarchy or flow concept that should derive from a concept map. The main block should be bold or catch the viewers eye.
It was more difficult to separate the items on the dynamic side of the map. They begin to over lap because communcation places and content places can be the same resource. 
Thank you

Where do I stand on the continuum?  I would like to think I am moving towards the dynamic. It is fascinating to try these new methods on communication, but it takes me several tries and time.  Time is that element that alludes me many days.  Thus, I may not get the opportunity to try several times.  It is like spicy nodes.  I really liked seeing it, but I need more time to use it. 
So I probably take steps back and forth along the continuum. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Technology and Media for Distance Education

This is a little late and not complete.  I will be back with a completed version.  My family surprised me yesterday, which took my usual time for the assignements.  It was big fun.
Self Critique. This was more difficult than the previous assignment. It did not fit. I also struggled with content, because it seems to over lap with collaboration. I will fill in the spaces.  I did try Margarets Spicynodes, but got a little confused.  That needs more time to learn.
Thank you.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Engaging Learners Graphic Organizer 2

Carrey, Sherri. Blog.  Will get correct cite and replace this.

Durrington, V. A., Berryhill, A., & Swafford, J. (2006). Strategies For Enhancing Student Interactivity In An Online Environment. College Teaching, 54(1), 190−193.

Siemens, G. (2007). George Siemens - Curatorial teaching.”Retrieved on April 21, 2011, from