Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Module 4 -- Mind Map

The tools I use most. I am still found of the paper and pen. I like to take notes and sketch my plan. I really like the live scribe pen. I used it to do the mind map and thought about putting a video as the process of the mind map. It was too long and a bit boring. However, a picture shows my continued reliance on pen/paper.
The digital devices have made networks more available. They have also made me aware of other networks. It is like a web that keeps branching out but interconnects. The internet is the connection that makes the tools necessary.

Module 4 Response / Comments

I responded to

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Blog 3-collaboration. Please see previous post for parts 2and 3

Question 1. Basic instinct for group activity? I am not sure all humans do collaborate instinctively. There are  psychology studies that could better aid in the understanding anomie. Accordingly, some people can use technology to colaborate,but never have to be face to face. Nevertheless, as Rheingold mentioned in the video the history of people forming groups is longer than the nomadic period.
I enjoyed his dicussion of Ebay and the ability to provide feedback allowing that community of buyers and sellers to trust their co transactors. The concept of 'trusting the information' is often discussed with the use of wikipedia. I look something up daily. My somewhat tech shy parents are referring to it more than their dictionary. It has brought information from a variety of sources and interests together.
Rheingold, H. (2008, February). Howard Rheingold on collaboration [Video file]. retrieved from

Blog 3 - Collaboration.

3. Current research. This was a fun search. There are so many examples of collaboration that lend themselves to learning, but are not strictly written for education.
*Miettinen, R., Lehenkari, J., & Tuunainen, J. (2008). Learning and network collaboration in product development: How things work for human use. Sage Publications 39 (2) London39(2)203-219. Http:// The article does not look at collaboration in education,but is an example of the process of collaboration. This can aid the educators understanding of collabortation outside of education; thus, the need for collaborative tools in education. This can prepare future participation in collaboration outside of a school setting.
(I typed this better earlier and the puppy jumped on my lap and I lost it all. These are the joys of learning the fast pace of technical devices. Not knowing how to retrieve previous data is a route learning skill I need to pratice.)
I liked the title because it looks at the human. I smiled because iIwas thinking the devices that aid in collaboration are the tools, and collaboration itself is the human element.
This article "analyzed how these projects were carried out by collaborative network..." (p204). For these aurthors there was an 'entertwining' of development, networks, and process.

There were more that I will have to return with. The links are here.
Http:// This was older but interesting.

2. Technology facilitation of collaboration. 1. The collaborative effort is based on an intentional topic that is being examined for some purpose. It is an active and continuous process that can end with a result, but could provided future learning. Collaboration is a cooperative effort.

Sunday, July 3, 2011