Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blog 2: Cognitivism as a Learning Theory

The categorization of -isms provide the educators with structure. The ability to organize chunks of teaching ideas or concepts into learning sequences that can be scaffolded to meet the needs of the learner. The use or picking of the best qualities of each -ism provides flexibility or momentum of a course begin taught. However, simply picking the fruit without identifying the needs or goals may bring unripened bussels.
Kapp's discussion commented on possible learning components that apply to behaviorism and cognitvism. A ladder approach with behaviorism identified with "lower level learning." The use of behaviorism might aid if forming the core knowledge that is needed to grow branches of learning from the fruits of all the -isms.
Kerr, B. (2007, January 1). _isms as filter, not blinker [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://billkerr2.blogspot.com/2007/01/isms-as-filter-not-blinker.html
Kapp, K. (2007, January 2). Out and about: Discussion on educational schools of thought [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://www.kaplaneduneering.com/kappnotes/index.php/2007/01/out-and-about-discussion-on-educational/

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blog1: Metaphor Critique

I can not comment on my own blog.  I will have to learn something new. 
thanks for the heads up. Debi
Please excuse my many mistakes in this post. It is a work in process. I agree with the classmates that curator is a great term and one I never associated with teacher until reading the Siemen's description. I think a "mixed-metaphor" approach is beneficial. However, there needs to be an awareness. Flipping and flopping around without your own plan or guidelines can lead to chaos and confusion. Nevetheless, flexibility allows growth.
June 19, 2011 6:19 AM

Blog Assignment 1:  Critique Siemen's "metaphors of educators"
The metaphor’s that Siemen’s used to describe the digital educator were creative. It has been several years, but the terms used during my tenure were teacher, facilitator, guider, and teacher as coach.  These terms still hold relevant focus points between learner and facilitator; however, terms like curator and master artist conjure up new relationships between participants in new settings.
Beginning with the words, the titles, used to label the metaphors master artists was one that seemed the most out of place for the digital instructor. However, after reading Siemen’s description and the dictionary definition of master this role of digital teacher can aid in group learning, learning that is student directed, and multi-directional communication. Conversely, it could be viewed as a subjective interpretation of student work that is teacher directed.
The master of Tae Kwon Do aids in acquisition of a particular skill. It is the teaching that is the progression of that form of martial arts.  The master has the expertise; however, the master artist observes the students as they create and their creations. The student has the ability to form their own style, become more 'advanced' than the master, or maintain a level of skill.  The master identifies innovative approaches and encourages sharing of technique and style.  This introduces more to the class innovations that even the master may not have been aware or even recognized as pertinent to a particular class.  If implemented in a sharing, and not dictatorial, method can encapsulate the idea of group collaboration, the learning from each other.   Members of the class can post their assignments or findings on their wiki or blog, aggregates keep the streaming available, and posts by the digital professor can draw identifications to certain submissions, which might provoke further thought. The master has directed the group in a learning process.  It seems important that follow up and discussion should be involved in this process. The information could get lost in space so follow through aids in keeping the group directed. 
The process of follow through could be part of the network administrator role.  This term, administrator, conjures up pictures of a secretary.  Yet this role aids in the chaos and confuse that can become overwhelming with digital learning.   This role could possibly be watched through another person with in the educational hierarchy. There are increasingly more learning blogs and wikis that can be joined to form communities.  However, this maze of information could be narrowed by setting up some of the communities within university systems. Conversely finding and identifying with networks could be a self-directed beneficial part of the student experience.
Concierge.  The role of concierge uses the term guider in the definition.  This role guides the learner to resources that are most pertinent to a concept of the classroom.
Curator.  This term was the most alluring by definition. This presents the teacher as also part of the lifelong learning process. The curator is master learner or “expert learner.” (p. 17). This role seems to correlate the role of master artist, but opens an area of free flow learning to all students in the environment of the classroom or digital forum.
This initial blog will have to be a work in progress. We had to address a very important event in our world. Thank you. To return with Curator and Concierge.
Siemens, G. (2006). Knowing knowledge. Retrieved from http://www.lulu.com.
Siemens, G. (2008.January27). Learning and knowing in networks. Changing roles for educators and designers. Paper presented to ITFORUM. Retrieved from http://it.coe.uga.edu/itforum/Paper105/Siemens.pdf.
Jdictionary.mobile.com. Advanced English Dictionary.
Blog: Critiquing the Metaphors of Educators. (2010). Mikedillion1977.wordpress. (This needs to be addressed in APA style.